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Master's degrees




Degree in Higher Artistic Dance Education

Degree in Higher Artistic Dance Education with specialties and itineraries. Aimed at applicants with a Baccalaureate or Equivalent, with theoretical knowledge integrated with the praxis of dance.

Bachelor's Degrees

Degree in Visual Arts and Dance with Honors. Aimed at students of Intermediate Degree or equivalent training in private centers or Baccalaureate, with aptitudes for musical theater, physical theater of movement, audiovisual creation and other related disciplines.


Degree in Higher Artistic Dance Education

Knowledge to acquire

Artistic, technical, theoretical-practical or pedagogical skills in the chosen dance specialty, through continuous performing practices throughout the degree.

Access and registration

It will require a bachelor's degree or equivalent and passing the specific access test for each specialty. Does not require Evaluation for Access to EVAU University.

Career Opportunities

Performer, choreographer, teacher, researcher, producer, show manager, specialized critic or dance therapist. Position with creative, leadership and interpersonal communication profile.

Our Services

The specialties of Dance Pedagogy with a Professional Dance itinerary are offered, and the specialty in Choreography and Interpretation with a Choreography and Interpretation itinerary.

Access and Admission Process.

Degree in Higher Artistic Dance Education


Online Registration

Complete the online APPLICANT INFORMATION FORM of the “Alicia Alonso” University Institute of Dance (IUDAA)

Access the form


Our team will contact you via email  to send you the registration form and specific documentation 


Access test

Pass the SPECIFIC ACCESS TEST before a panel of teachers of the chosen specialty. 

Contents Test

Previous information

The application for SPECIFIC ACCESS TESTS is required for students applying for all IUDAA degrees. You can opt for the Higher Dance Degree, in any of its training itineraries.

For this you need:

  • Pre-registration form completed completely and signed.
  • Certified real-size photocopy of the document: DNI (both sides), Spanish NIE (both sides) or valid Passport. To carry out official studies, it will not be possible to present the identification card of the student's country of origin.
  • 2 identification document type photos. It is not necessary to submit them in advance, they can be presented at the registry on the day of the test.
  • Affidavit completed and signed. It is not necessary to submit it in advance, it can be presented at the registry on the day of the test.
  • Academic access requirement through one of these options:
  • Certified photocopy of the Baccalaureate degree on both sides, or failing that, official academic certification (stating the overall average grade of the degree), as well as a certified copy of the application and payment of fees to obtain the Baccalaureate degree .
  • Certified photocopy of the university entrance test certificate for those over 25 years of age.
  • Certified photocopy of both sides of the Higher Artistic Education Degree.
  • Certified photocopy of both sides of the Bachelor's or Graduate University Degree.
  • Certified photocopy of both sides of the Higher Technician Title.
  • Certified photocopy of the certificate of the maturity test for Higher Artistic Education.
  • Receipt of application for recognition to the Ministry of Education of the Baccalaureate completed in countries that have Spanish recognition of these studies.

All qualifications that give access to taking the tests and have been obtained in a country other than Spain, must be homologated to the Spanish education system through the Ministry of Education, Vocational Training and Sports. The applicant must carry out the approval process directly with the Ministry of Education.

Pre-registration for specific access tests

Send to:

How to submit your application?

The documents for the Higher Degree in Higher Artistic Education will be delivered through the online Form, or through email:, or in person at:

Alicia Alonso University Institute of Dance
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Fuenlabrada Campus
Student Secretary. Classroom IV
Camino del Molino Nº5 28943, Fuenlabrada Madrid, Spain

Contents of the access tests

For both Classical Dance and Spanish Dance, prior training equivalent to Intermediate Grade is required, not necessarily official, applicants who have completed their dance studies at a private center are also admitted.

Entrance Test Courts

Access Tests course 2024/25

General calendar

Degree in Higher Artistic Dance Education

 Access tests


Publication Listings

Registration 1st Call

From April 19 to May 06, 2024, both inclusive.

 May 7

Provisional lists of admitted ª 1 call

Correction and Claim Admitted to Evidence

And May 8 9 

May 10

definitive listings admitted ª 1 call

Carrying out the Access Tests in the 1st call

17 June

3 of July.

Provisional lists of qualifications for the 1st call.


Claim of Qualifications of the 1st call


4 & 5 of July



Registration 2nd Call


July 5 to 11, 2024, both inclusive

July 12th

Provisional lists of admitted

ª 1 call

Correction and Claim Admitted to Evidence

15 & 16 of July

17th of Juneulio

definitive listings admitted 2ª call.

Carrying out the Access Tests in the 2st call

 July 18th

July 22th


Claim of Qualifications of the 2st call


23 & 24 of July




New ordinary admission students (1st year): from 11-07-2024 to 25-07-2024

Students with everything passed in the first call: from 11-07-2024 to 25-07-2024

Students who take an extraordinary exam: from 11-07-2024 to 25-07-2024

Extraordinary term: from 02-09-2024 to 06-09-2024.

Ordinary call
Extraordinary Call

Number of places offered: 70
Choreography and Performance Specialty (Performance and Dance and Technology): 35
Dance Pedagogy Specialty (Professional Dance): 35


The dates for carrying out the entrance tests have not yet been published, these are pending to be set by the Community of Madrid in the first call.
(Once the applications have been received, and given the situation with Covid-19, these tests will be organized according to health regulations, within the stipulated period).

In the second call, the access tests They are pending approval by the Community of Madrid.

Registration for the access tests in an extraordinary call will be opened again on the same day as the entrance tests of the first call.

The date of the entrance exams (extraordinary call) will be announced once it is approved by the Ministry of Education.

University Degree in Visual Arts and Dance with Honors

Knowledge to acquire

Artistic, technical, theoretical-practical and research skills in the field of Visual Arts and Dance, linked to continuous performing practices in each academic year.

Access and registration

Requires official qualification (on request) and passing the test Evaluation for Access to the EvAU University and of the test access specific for each mention of the Degree.

Career Opportunities

As performers, choreographers, artistic directors, technicians, producers and directors within the framework of the musical, theatrical, dance or audiovisual industry.


The University Degree in Visual Arts and Dance consists of 5 mentions: Classical Dance, Contemporary Dance, Spanish Dance, Theater Dance and Acrobatic and Circus Dances.

Access and Admission Process.

University Degree in Visual Dance Arts with Honors


Online Registration

Complete the INFORMATIVE REGISTRATION FORM FOR APPLICANTS of the “Alicia Alonso” University Institute of Dance (IUDAA)

Access the form

URJC Registration

Complete the OFFICIAL REGISTRATION for Access and Specific Tests, on the website of the Rey Juan Carlos University (URJC) 


Access test

Pass the SPECIFIC ACCESS TEST posed for each of the mentions before a panel of teachers of the Degree. Requires EvAU

Contents Test

Previous information

The application for SPECIFIC ACCESS TESTS is required for students applying for all IUDAA degrees. You can choose the University Degree in Visual Arts in one of its Mentions.

For this you need:

  • Be in possession of a bachelor's degree or equivalent.
  • Have passed the Spanish baccalaureate evaluation test. (EvAU)
  • Request for testing.
  • Proof of payment of the fees for the Specific Test
  • In case of total or partial exemption from fees: Documentation that justifies said exemption (Disability, Large family...)
  • For studies with a specific access test, it is necessary to take and pass it with the PASS qualification. Passing this test does not presuppose automatic admission to these Degrees, since the assessment criteria and priorities for the selection of students who are SUITABLE will be the same as for the rest of the studies.

Contents of the access tests by mention

To access the Degree in Visual Arts and Dance with Specialization, applicants will take the specific, differentiated test, which establishes basic technical-artistic scales to opt for a specific specialization. Access tests may be carried out in all mentions if the applicant so wishes.

All students who have passed the Access Test with the qualification of APTOS in the Ordinary Call GET A PLACE and they will be able to enroll from July 16, since the number of places offered for the Degree in Visual Arts and Dance with Mentions was not exceeded.
 The publication on the URJC website of the SUITABLE listings, brand the beginning of the distribution of places, which does not affect the students of this call, since we reiterate, no they covered all places. Therefore, although the deadlines set by the Single District for the distribution of places must be met, this does not in any way affect the students of the Degree who have passed the test in the ordinary session.

General calendar

How to carry out the procedures for access to the Degree

Step 1:

Send your application as an applicant for the ACCESS TESTS of the Degree in Visual Arts and Dance with Mentions, completing, in a first step, the information required in the INFORMATION REGISTRATION FORM of the Alicia Alonso University Institute of Dance (IUDAA), to which you can access below:

preregistration From June 8 to 21 (14:00 p.m.)
Carrying out the test 26 June
Publication of Results  June 29 (12:00 p.m.)
Claims  the 30 3 June to July
Claims Results July 4th
Publication of Results July 5th
Appeals against non-admission 14, 17 and 18 for July 
preregistration from July 21 to 27 (14:00 p.m.)
Carrying out the test July 27th
Publication of Results  July 28 (throughout the day)
Claims  on appeal
Claims Results September 1
Publication of Results September 6
Appeals against non-admission 4 and September 5
Step 2:

Once you have completed the INFORMATION REGISTRATION FORM (Step 1), you must complete the OFFICIAL REGISTRATION on the Rey Juan Carlos University (URJC) website, which you can access below:

For both Classical Dance and Spanish Dance, prior training equivalent to Intermediate Grade is required, not necessarily official, applicants who have completed their dance studies at a private center are also admitted.

Ordinary call
Extraordinary Call

Number of places offered: 75
Classical Dance (requires prior training equivalent to Intermediate Grade)
Spanish Dance (requires prior training equivalent to Intermediate Degree in Dance)
Contemporary Dance (no prior training required)
Dance-Theater (no prior training required)
Acrobatic and Circus Dances (no prior training required)


The dates for registration and delivery of documentation The specific access tests will be set according to the criteria of the pertinent authorities, and will be published together with the Call for the specific Access tests.

The process will be:

Pre-registration. which will be carried out both in the IUDAA Registry and on the URJC website.
Specific access test. (according to chosen mention)
Publication of results. (provisional list)
Publication of final results.
Result of claims.



It will be convened as indicated by the relevant authorities.

The process will be:

Pre-registration. which will be carried out both in the IUDAA Registry and on the URJC website.
Specific access test. (according to chosen mention)
Publication of results. (provisional list)
Publication of final results.
Result of claims.

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