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Degree in Higher Artistic Dance Education

Degree in Higher Artistic Dance Education

The study plan leads to obtaining the Degree in Higher Artistic Dance Education in the following specialties: Choreography and performance techniques y Dance pedagogy.

Instructions of the General Directorate of Artistic Education that regulate the organization and operation of the 24-25 course in the higher centers of artistic education in the Community of Madrid

General Information

Branch of knowledge: Dance
Responsible Center:  “Alicia Alonso” University Dance Institute
Teaching modality and Campus: In person – Fuenlabrada
Credits: 240. Credits year: 60. Duration: 4 years. 

Title Objectives

Offer dance professionals superior quality training with high levels of artistic and academic excellence through continued performing practice.

The purpose of artistic education is to provide you with quality artistic training and guarantee your qualification as a future professional.

Higher Dance Education is taught with official academic validity and leads to an academic qualification. These teachings are aimed at qualifying future professionals for their incorporation into the labor field of these disciplines.

The purpose of this training is the study and research of dance as creation and the transmission of knowledge related to the artistic fact.

These studies last 4 academic years and at the end you obtain the Higher Degree in Dance followed by the specialty studied. This qualification is equivalent for all purposes to a university degree.

academic requirements

Academic access requirements
Meet one of the following requirements:
  • Bachelor's degree.
  • Pass the university entrance test for those over 25 years of age.
  • Be 19 years old and pass an access test called by the educational Administrations to prove that you have the maturity in relation to the objectives of the baccalaureate and the knowledge, skills and aptitudes necessary to successfully complete the corresponding teachings.

Specific requirements:

The educational administrations of each Autonomous Community carry out at least one annual call for the specific test for access to higher artistic education in Dance. 

Pass the specific access test related to the specialty you opt for (this test is called by the educational Administrations and is valid to enroll in the academic year in which it has been called).

Training itinerary

Choreography and performance techniques.
Dance pedagogy.

Quality higher education

Our graduates are trained in the principles of artistic excellence, with extensive knowledge of the technique, methodology and repertoire of dance and theater, which reinforce their technical mastery and stage maturity, consolidated throughout their four years. of studies. 

Future-proof studies

Labor market

The Higher Degree in Dance provides the necessary skills to link future performing arts and dance professionals with the creative audiovisual industry: cinema, performing and communication technologies, design, advertising, business management, tourism industry, etc., trained to face new challenges in the labor market.

High specialization

Our graduates occupy prominent positions in leading national and international dance, ballet, theater or circus companies. Also as producers, company directors, cultural managers, experts in production and distribution of shows, therapeutic applications, among other job opportunities with wide demand.

Prepared for teaching

Our graduates are qualified to work as teachers in the field of artistic education, both in public and private centers, at a professional level, from regulated basic education to teaching in universities throughout Europe.

Guarantee of future and employability in the sector.

Degree in Higher Artistic Dance Education

The “Alicia Alonso” University Institute is a center of higher artistic education whose Degree in Higher Artistic Dance Education It can be revalidated in the European Higher Education Area (recognition in the 46 countries that signed the Bologna agreements), through access to postgraduate programs. The Institute's Higher Degree students have the possibility of accessing the specialized Master's program.

Degree in Higher Artistic Dance Education

The specialties of the Degree in Higher Artistic Dance Education, train graduates to perform highly qualified functions, providing a curricular depth that expands their knowledge, multiplying their employability possibilities by covering a greater number of fields of knowledge.

Choreography and performance techniques

dance pedagogy

Academic program

Subjects by Specialty

The specialties taught at the “Alicia Alonso” University Dance Institute offer students the opportunity to specialize in different sectors of the world of Performing Arts.

Choreography and performance techniques

1st course


History of Dance I
History of Art and Culture I
Anatomy, Biomechanics and Pathology Applied to Dance
Dance Techniques I (according to styles)
Movement Analysis I
Composition and Improvisation I
Creation Workshops I (according to styles)
Analysis and Practice of Repertoire I (according to styles)
Interpretation Workshop I (according to styles)
Music applied to Dance I

2nd course


History of Dance II
History of Art and Culture II
Physiology and Nutrition Applied to Dance
Dance Techniques II (according to styles)
Movement Analysis II
Composition and Improvisation II
Creation Workshops II (according to styles)
Analysis and Practice of Repertoire II (according to styles)
Interpretation Workshop II (according to styles)
Music applied to Dance II

3st course


Dance, Art and Humanities I
Body Techniques I)
Dance Techniques III (according to styles)
Creation and improvisation tools
Analysis and Practice of Repertoire III (according to styles)
Interpretation Workshop III (according to styles)
Music applied to Dance III
Scenic space
Dance and Technology I
Organization, Management and Development of artistic projects I

4th course

Dance, Art and Humanities II
Body Techniques II
Dance Techniques IV (according to styles)
Analysis and Practice of Repertoire IV (according to styles)
Show Techniques
Dance and Technology II
Organization, Management and Development of artistic projects II
Introduction to Artistic Research Methodology
Psychology of groups and organizations
Final Degree Project

Dance Pedagogy

1st course

History of Dance I
History of Art and Culture I
Anatomy, Biomechanics and Pathology Applied to Dance
Dance Techniques I (according to styles)
Pedagogy I
Basic psychological processes
Methodology and didactics for teaching Dance I (according to styles)
Educational Dance I
Movement Analysis
AAnalysis and Practice of Repertoire I (according to styles)
Music applied to Dance I

2nd course

History of Dance II
History of Art and Culture II
Physiology and Nutrition Applied to Dance
Conditioning for dancers
Dance Techniques II (according to styles)
Pedagogy II
Evolutionary Psychology
Methodology and didactics for teaching Dance II (according to styles)
Educational Dance II
Analysis and Practice of Repertoire II (according to styles)
Music applied to Dance II

3st course

Dance, Art and Humanities I
Body Techniques
Dance Techniques III (according to styles)
Methodology and didactics for teaching Dance III (according to styles)
Analysis and Practice of Repertoire III (according to styles)
Music applied to Dance III (according to styles)
Music and dance in early education
Psychology of groups and organizations

4th course

Dance, Art and Humanities II
Dance Techniques IV (according to styles)
Organization and Operation of Centers
Methodology and didactics for teaching Dance IV (according to styles)
Analysis and Practice of Repertoire IV (according to styles)
Introduction to Research Methodology
Organization, Management and Preparation of educational projects
Final Degree Project

Subject search engine


ECTS credits by type of enrollment and course

These studies have a duration of 4 academic courses of 60 credits each, which represents a total of 240 ECTS credits.

Once these studies are completed, you can access Master's and subsequent doctorate studies.

What will my profile be as a qualified professional?

The profile of the graduate in Dance corresponds to that of a qualified professional who masters the knowledge and skills of dance, with a deep knowledge of the functioning of the body in all its aspects, who must have some theoretical knowledge based and integrated with dance praxis that allow him to develop and grow as a creator, performer and pedagogue, capable of assuming the ethical and deontological dimension of personal and professional responsibility.

Where will I be able to work when I graduate?

El Degree in Higher Artistic Dance Education provides the necessary skills to link future performing arts and dance professionals with the creative audiovisual industry, cinema, stage technologies and communication, advertising, and cultural industries.

Graduates will be able to find multiple professional opportunities in the traditional occupations of their specialty as performers, choreographers, artistic directors, technical directors, producers and directors within the framework of any musical, theatrical, dance or audiovisual and cinematographic industry show.

The work profile obtained offers the necessary skills to work in Communication Companies, Advertising Agencies, the Audiovisual Creative Industry and the Entertainment Industry, as well as to serve as teachers, as critics specialized in theater, dance or cinema within the field of journalism, artistic research and cultural institutions.

Their training allows them to work as heritage conservators both tangible and intangible, provide services as documenters of artistic collections and in general participate in the study and rescue of cultural traditions. They may also be employed in the cultural areas of the different municipalities as programmers of cultural activities, project managers, and free time monitors.

Career Opportunities

-Graduates of the Professional Dance, Performance and Dance and Technology itinerary are trained in the principles of artistic excellence, have extensive knowledge of the dance repertoire that, reinforced by technical mastery in multiple registers and stage maturity consolidated throughout Throughout their four years, they will have performed at least 70 performances in theaters, festivals and cultural spaces. Their continued presence on national and international stages, theater networks, festivals and cultural spaces makes them highly recognized cultural agents in the labor market. It is enough to follow the career of a large number of our graduates who currently occupy prominent positions within large international dance, ballet, theater, film companies, production companies, management of cultural institutions and companies or as directors of companies in charge of producing, manage and distribute shows, all of recognized prestige. Creators who have produced shows for such prestigious institutions as the Paris Opera Ballet, the Nederland Dance Theatre, the National Dance Company of Spain or the National Ballet of Cuba, among other prestigious institutions.

-Trained as researchers, they can opt for the postgraduate training developed by the Institute itself through the Masters in Performing Arts and Management and Leadership of Cultural Projects, which allows them access to the doctoral programs of the International Doctoral School . The “Alicia Alonso” Higher Institute of Dance is located at the European forefront of research in the performing arts, due to its great contributions to this field. An aspect demonstrated by the more than one hundred doctoral theses promoted by the Institute.

-Managers and promoters of tangible and intangible heritage, financed with funds from the European Commission within the Creative Culture Program, such as the European Video Dance Heritage, Legend about circular ruins y Genius Loci, to cite examples.

-Agents of the tourism industry, advertisers, creators of audiovisual products. In short, a professional horizon that ranges from business management to teaching, theater, cinema and the audiovisual industry in general. As well as show technologies, lighting design, musical editing, stage direction, etc.



The general objective of higher artistic education in Dance will be the qualified training of professionals who, starting from a previous practical training as a fundamental basis, have a complete practical, theoretical and methodological training, which enables them to integrate into the different professional fields of this discipline. .

Alicia Alonso University Institute of Dance

Fuenlabrada Campus
Classroom IV.
Camino del Molino SN 28943, Fuenlabrada Madrid, Spain

Telephone: +34 914-888-177

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