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ITI / UNESCO Collaboration Scholarships. Spain.

ITI/UNESCO Spain Collaboration Scholarships.


Collaboration Scholarships ITI UNESCO Alicia Alonso University Institute of Dance

El Alicia Alonso University Dance Institute (IUDAA), In collaboration with the UNESCO International Theater Institute (ITI), offers Collaboration Scholarships Aimed at talented students who wish to Participate in international performing arts projects.

These scholarships provide the opportunity to Train with renowned experts, develop cultural projects and strengthen the professional projection of students in the field of dance, theatre and circus.

 What do these scholarships offer?
✔ Experience in international stage projects.
✔ Training with Mentors and prestigious artists.
✔ Access to events and professional networks of ITI UNESCO.
✔ Development of skills in cultural management and artistic production.

 Requirements and application process
Please see the eligibility criteria and application procedure for this unique scholarship.

Boost your career in the performing arts with the support of IUDAA and ITI UNESCO.

El UNESCO International Theater Institute (ITI), in collaboration with the Spanish Delegation of the ITI and Alicia Alonso Dance Foundation call for applications for the Postgraduate Training Collaboration Scholarship, aimed at university students beginning their training in the University Master's Degrees in Performing Arts / Management and Leadership of Cultural Projects. 

This scholarship programme aims to promote academic and research activities in the areas of knowledge of the Official Master's Degrees, promoting lines of study through specific projects proposed by the candidates, provided that they are directly related to one of the subjects taught in these postgraduate programmes.

Types of Scholarships offered



Includes 50% or 100% of the registration costs of one of the Master's degrees.


Includes out-of-pocket expenses and/or travel within the Autonomous Community. 

International Mobility

It is compatible with other International Mobility Scholarships.

Accommodation and Maintenance

Shared accommodation on a half-board basis.

Application process



The student must first complete the Enrollment process in the Master in Performing Arts / Management and Leadership of Cultural Projects.


Fill out scholarship form

Once you have received the final letter of acceptance of the Master's Degree, fill out the Scholarship Application Form.


Documents to be submitted

Official title. Official Letter of Acceptance to the Master's Degree. Research project on an area of ​​knowledge present in the Master.


Application Review

The Master's academic committee will meet to evaluate the applications and projects presented by applicants.



The Academic Commission may make appointments for interviews with some Scholarship applicants.


Final decision

The Academic Committee will notify the Applicants who obtain the Scholarship through a definitive communication through the Applicant Notification channels.

Scholarship Application

The request must be completed using the form accessible electronically through the button "Application form" found on this page.

The applicant must have previously developed the outline of the project of research  that you will send along with the Form and that will be evaluated by the Academic Committee of the Master.

To complete the application you must attach the scanned documentation within the Application Form electronically on this web page.

Since the application submission process requires completing the above steps, Applicants are advised to start the process early enough to have it completed before the application submission deadline.

Collaboration scholarships

When to Apply?

  Opening date Deadline
Submission of applications  September  October
Provisional Resolution   October
Presentation of Allegations October October
Final Resolution   November

If you need more information Contact us

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